Your e-mail address:
Medical expenses excluding health insurance:
Health insurance paid:
Sales taxes paid on automobiles:
Real estate taxes pd on all real estate owned:
Personal Property or Vehicle Taxes:
Mortgage interest on main and 2nd homes:
Total of cash and non cash charitable donations:
Last years tax preparation fee:
Un-reimbursed employee expenses:
Union & professional dues:
Uniforms and cleaning:
Job hunting costs:
Investment advisory fees:
Safety deposit fee:
IRA custodial fees:
Tuition paid:
Child care expenses:
Student loan interest paid:
Alimony/Maintenance paid:
Gambling losses:
Casualty or theft losses:
Taxpayer traditional IRA contribution:
Spouses traditional IRA contribution:
Other questionable deductions:
Amount Comment/Description
Comments or questions you wish to submit with these entries:
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